Plastic Surgeon Blog

Actual Patient

Plastic Surgeon Blog

Actual Patient

Plastic Surgeon Blog

Actual Patient

Plastic Surgeon Blog

Actual Patient



Posted on April 1, 2016 by Weston Center for Plastic Surgery There have been many advances in breast augmentation since its inception in the 1950’s. Most significant, as far as breast implants are concerned, is the development of the current generation of cohesive silicone gel implants, also known as “gummy bears”…


Feeling old isn’t fun for anyone – men included. Many people associate facial injections with women, after all, women are typically held to a higher beauty standard and vanity is not something many men like to brag about. But opinions…


As we age, our body processes fat less efficiently, sometimes resulting in a double chin or jowls – the loose skin of the lower cheeks and jaw. This area of the face is resistant to diet and exercise and can…
Halo diary

Shannon Ford, former Mrs. US Halo Story

I have to be honest, I’ve always had nice skin. I mean, I did go through the teenage acne stage, but it was never excessive. But at 42, I felt that my skin looked pretty good “for my age”.

All About Microdermabrasion

Beautiful skin is something many people feel is unattainable. Men and women look at the touched-up photographs of celebrities in magazines and notice their beautiful skin, saying, “Wow, her skin is so clear!” Your skin can be that clear too