Laser (Difference between Lasers & what to expect)

Actual Patient

Difference between BBL Laser, HALO Laser, and NanoPeel

BBL Uses Broadband Light, which uses broadband light, an advanced of intense pulsed light (PL) Photofacial BBL treatment targets more superficial issues. Is Better for Surface-Level Pigmentation. It also addresses uneven pigmentation to give the face an overall healthy glow. If you are looking to target surface-level dark patches, such as sunspots, age spots, freckles, birthmarks, blood vessels, or rosacea. BBL is a great way to address these issues genlty and effectively
Halo Uses Duel Laser Wavelengths and is a hybrid fractional laser, which means it uses both ablative and nonablative lasers to stimulate collagen production and rejuvenate the skin. Halo laser treatments can target deeper layers on the face, neck, and chest to improve overall skin texture. Halo Fantastic for Texture Concems. Halo reaches deep into the skin to stimulate collagen production, which leads to a smoother, are elastic surface. It is ideal for treating fine lines, large pores, uneven texture, and acne scars.
NenoFeel Laser is considered the "weekend peel" for o brighter, more even complexion. This super-tasking erbuim laser removes the topmost layer of the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots, and other skin imperfections.

Pre-treatment considerations

  • If you have previously suffered from facial cold sores, there is a risk that this treatment could contribute to a recurrence.

  • No one who has taken the medication Accutane or its generic forms within the last year may have this procedure.
  • No one on anti-coagulants may have this procedure.
  • Skincare or treatment programs may be used before and after laser skin treatments in order to enhance the results.

Treatment considerations

  • If you have previously suffered from facial cold sores, there is a risk that this treatment could contribute to a recurrence.
  • The Halo/ BBL / Nano Pro fractional laser treatment may produce pinpoint bleeding in the area of the channels. This event usually subsides in a few minutes to a few hours. More uncommon, it can persist up to 24 hours.
  • Redness and exfoliation (flaking of skin) is associated with this procedure and may last from 3-4 days depending on the depth and concentration (percentage) of the laser channels of the treatment performed. You may notice a sandpaper texture and bronzing of the skin as the microscopic columns begin to heal. This is treated tissue working its way out as new skin is regenerated. Keeping the area moist with a light application of an occlusive barrier e.g. Aquaphor or Cicalfate Restorative Cream will aid in the healing process.

Common side effects and risks

  • Edema (swelling) of the skin may occur and can be minimized by keeping the area upright.
  • Urticaria (itching) often times occurs as the old skin is shed and the new skin is being formed.
  • If any of the above symptoms intensify, your clinician should be notified. A cool compress placed on the area provides comfort. The treated area should be cared for delicately. Limited activity may be advised, as well as, no hot tub, steam, sauna, or shower use.
  • Discomfort, especially a sunburn feeling, may persist for a few days.
  • PIH or post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (browning) and hypopigmentation (lightening) have been noted with laser procedures. These conditions usually resolve within 2-6 months. Permanent color change is a rare risk. Vigilant care must be taken to avoid sun exposure (tanning beds included) before and after the treatment to reduce the risk of color change. After the skin has gone through its healing phase and is intact, sunscreen and / or sun block should be applied when sun exposure is necessary.
  • Infection is not usual after treatments; however herpes simplex virus infections around the mouth can occur following treatments. This applies to both individuals with a past history of the virus or individuals with no known history. Other signs of an infection can be a fever, purulent (pus) material, severe redness, swelling in the area, and skin that is hot to the touch. Should these symptoms occur, the clinician must be notified to prescribe appropriate medical care.
  • Allergic reaction is uncommon from treatment. Some persons may have a hive-like appearance in the treated area. Some persons have localized reactions to cosmetics or topical preparations. Systemic reactions are rare

The potential risks and benefits have been explained of the Halo Pro fractional laser treatment along with alternative methods. I choose to have Halo Pro fractional treatment.

I understand that compliance with pre and post care instructions is crucial for success of laser treatment and to prevent unnecessary side effects or complications.

I understand that there are many variable conditions which influence the longterm result of laser skin treatments. The practice of medicine and surgery and the subsequent use of laser is not an exact science. Although good results are expected, there is no guarantee, expressed or implied, on the results that may be obtained.

I understand that the laser treatment involves payment and the fee structure has been explained to me.

Our experienced Double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Nathan Eberle, MD, DDS, FACS; is always happy to discuss your best treatment options during a private skincare consultation. Call us today to schedule your consultation at 954-507-4540. Your individual needs, including the severity of your condition, will determine which treatment is better suited for you.