Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift

Actual Patient

Breasts come in all shapes and sizes. The appearance of our breasts can have a profound effect on the way that we feel about our body. Unhappiness with their shape or size can cause feelings of unattractiveness, low self-esteem, and even depression.​​​​​​​

Some women find that they feel less feminine or sexy than they would like, and this low self-esteem can affect their personal and, in some cases, even professional relationships. Other women may find that their breasts are fuller and perkier when they are younger, but over time, or after bearing children, they lose volume and firmness. They may even sag.

Fortunately, patients no longer have to live with dissatisfaction with their breast size. Breast augmentation surgery is a popular cosmetic surgery solution that enhances the size, shape, and overall appearance of the breasts, enabling patients to feel sexy and confident. In some instances, augmentation is combined with a breast lift – a surgery designed to tighten the skin across the chest so that the breasts sit higher and look more youthful.

If you are looking for a high-quality plastic surgery service near Weston or Fort Lauderdale, then look no further than our experienced surgeon, Dr. Nathan Eberle, here at the Weston Center for Plastic Surgery.

Breast Augmentation at a Glance

Avg. Surgery Time1 Hour
AnesthesiaGeneral (a formal breathing tube is not used so you will not end up with a sore throat)
LocationCertified in-office Operating Room or Outpatient Surgery Center
RecoveryBack to work in less than 1 week
Cardio exercise in 2 weeks
Full exercise in 6 weeks
Improving the ExperienceScar recovery program included Keller funnel- enables Dr Eberle to make smaller incisions leaving fewer scars
Mentor Enhanced warranty
EXPAREL long lasting pain control for a pain free experience
Am I a Good CandidateHealthy
Unhappy with size and shape of breasts
Realistic goals and expectations

Types of breast augmentation

Breast augmentation can be performed with two different types of implants - saline and silicone implants. Saline implants are inserted into the chest empty, then filled with saline to the desired level. Since the implants don’t have to be filled to exactly the same volume, saline implants are particularly popular among patients who have asymmetrical breast sizes.

Silicone implants work by being inserted into the chest pre-filled, meaning that a slightly larger incision may be required.

Breast augmentation procedure

Breast augmentation surgery is performed under general anesthetic which means you will be asleep during and immediately after your procedure. Your implant size will be pre-determined at your consultation and these will be tailored to your specification. Once you are asleep, small incisions will be made into the chest wall so that the implants can be inserted. The scarring is usually hidden in the fold underneath the breast or near the armpit, and while initially, they will appear red, they will fade over time.

Patient started with 'C' Cup breasts and desired high profile large implants.

Breast Augmentation Before
Breast Augmentation After
Breast Augmentation Before
Breast Augmentation After
Breast Augmentation Before
Breast Augmentation After
Breast Augmentation Before
Breast Augmentation After

Breast lift procedure

When augmentation is combined with a breast lift, the skin and breast tissue will be lifted and tightened, and the nipple repositioned, before inserting the implants into the chest. This is a slightly longer, more complex procedure.

Recovering from breast augmentation and breast lift

Most patients find that they need to take a break from work for at least a week following their surgery, as it may take a few days or more to feel comfortable moving around. You will be provided with pain medication and should speak to Dr. Eberle if you are still in significant discomfort.

A sports or post-surgical bra is essential, and you will need to wear this for approximately 6 weeks, or as per the instructions of our surgeon. Contact sports and physical exercise should be avoided for several weeks after surgery.

As with any cosmetic surgery, it is essential that you follow the post-operative guidance given to you by our surgeon, as this will help you make the most efficient recovery possible.

Here at your Weston Plastic Surgery Center, our surgeon, Dr. Eberle, extends his knowledge, experience, and outstanding cosmetic surgery service to patients in and around Weston and Fort Lauderdale. To arrange your no-obligation consultation with our team, please call the Weston Center for Plastic Surgery at 954-960-3050.