Body Lift for Men after Weight Loss
Cosmetic surgery or the body is something that is predominantly associated with women. Nevertheless, men can be just as physically and psychologically affected by feeling unhappy about their appearance and an increasing number are now choosing to go under the knife to help them achieve the body that they have been dreaming of too.
Weight loss is a common trigger for cosmetic surgery. Being overweight or obese isn’t ideal for your health or your body shape. However, when you lose a significant amount of weight, some of the changes to your figure aren’t always what you might expect. Pockets of stubborn fat that simply don’t shift no matter how hard you train, and sagging, loose skin are extremely common.
When you have worked hard to lose weight, you deserve to feel good about your appearance. Unfortunately, many men who have gone on to shrink in size are left feeling self-conscious, embarrassed and even ashamed of the stretched, loose skin and wobbly pockets that they are left with. Fortunately, there is no need to live with these. There is a cosmetic surgery that can address these issues and help you to achieve the smoother, toned and more youthful shape that you have earnt. This is known as a body lift procedure and can help to highlight the accomplishment of your weight loss and restore your confidence.

What is a body lift procedure?
A body lift is actually a combination of different cosmetic procedures that are designed to address your specific concerns. This bespoke tailoring means that we can be sure to improve those areas of your body that you feel are compromising your confidence and self-esteem, while leaving others untouched. Some of the procedures which you may have as part of your body lift treatment could include the following:
This is arguably the most popular surgery performed as part of a body lift. This is because most men carry a large amount of their excess weight on the abdomen area and when they lose it, they are left with a great deal of excess sagging skin and fatty pockets. This procedure involves tightening the underlying abdominal muscles and then pulling the skin tightly across the stomach so that any excess can be removed. Patients are left with a much flatter, smoother abdomen area.
Buttock Lift
Gravity doesn’t only affect the abdominal area. Many men who lose a lot of weight find that they have extra skin and fat around the buttocks. This can sometimes look wrinkled, causing you to look older than you really are. A buttock lift involves removing and tightening skin around the buttocks so that they sit higher, look firmer and smoother and help you to feel more confident about your appearance.
Thigh Lift
The thighs can be affected by sagging skin too, and this can cause issues such as painful chafing – something which can make further exercise different. As you may expect, a thigh lift involves cutting away excess skin and tightening what is there to produce more contoured upper legs.
Gynaecomastia Surgery
Also known as a male breast reduction, gynecomastia surgery is used to address excess fat that may have accumulated on the chest. ‘Man boobs’ as they are commonly referred to, are often a source of ridicule for those that have them. Whilst weight loss can help to reduce their size, many men are still left with pockets of fat and sagging skin that causes them embarrassment. Gynecomastia surgery is a type of liposuction performed on the chest to remove excess fat, whilst additional skin can be cut away if necessary.
Liposuction is a very popular procedure amongst men and women alike. Liposuction can be used to remove stubborn areas of fat on any area of the body but is most commonly seen being undertaken on the abdomen, hips, flanks, thighs, upper arms and chin. This minimally invasive process is very successful and can permanently reduce the number of fat cells in the affected area, enabling patients to enjoy a younger, more contoured appearance.
If you have lost a significant amount of weight and are unhappy with your sagging skin, a body lit procedure could be the solution that you are looking for. Contact our offices today to make a confidential appointment to see if you are a suitable candidate for this transformative cosmetic surgery.