How Long Do Zygomatic Implants Last?

Actual Patient

How Long Do Zygomatic Implants Last?

Actual Patient

How Long Do Zygomatic Implants Last?

Actual Patient

How Long Do Zygomatic Implants Last?

Actual Patient


Many people consider dental implants the gold standard of tooth replacement options. Standard dental implants may not be the best option in certain situations. That is because patients must have a certain amount of bone mass.

Often, missing teeth can lead to bone loss, making traditional dental implants impractical. That is an unfortunate catch-22 situation. Advancements in dental technology led to the development of zygomatic implants. These dental implants are ideal for people with severe bone loss in their upper jaw.


What Are Zygomatic Implants?
Zygomatic dental implants are an ideal alternative for people who do not want or cannot undergo bone grafting. They attach to the cheekbones rather than the upper jaw. Also, they are longer than conventional implants.


Reasons to Consider Zygomatic Dental Implants
Like standard dental implants, zygomatic implants are an anchor point for dental prosthetics. Dentists implant them into the zygomatic bone at an angle. That allows them to connect to the prosthetic. Here are other reasons to get zygomatic implants:

  • They allow for faster upper jaw restoration
  • They are less invasive
  • They have more stability after placement than traditional implants
  • They are cost-effective since they need fewer implants and fewer procedures
  • They replace teeth in the upper jaw. They can replace an entire arch of missing, decayed, damaged, or loose teeth
  • They eliminate the need for more procedures
  • They have excellent success rates, ranging from 97 to 98 percent


How Long Do They Last?
Zygomatic dental implants have success rates of almost 100 percent after 12 years. That makes them an effective and safe treatment option for patients. While these implants have a high success rate and are an effective and safe alternative to bone grafting, it is wise to do your due diligence before getting them. Studies suggest that zygomatic implants carry certain risks following placement, the most common being sinusitis.

It is possible to fix this problem, but treatment is complex. Also, the loss of the zygomatic implant is a possibility. If this or any other complication occurs, your dentist will do everything possible to fix the problem without compromising the continued functionality of your implant.


How to Reduce Your Risks of Developing Complications
Follow your aftercare instructions to help your implants last longer and reduce the risk of complications. Other ways to ensure their continued functionality include:

  • Do not disturb the surgical area
  • Following surgery, stick to soft foods for several weeks
  • Take your antibiotics and other medications as directed by your dentist
  • Avoid or limit tobacco and alcohol consumption.

Following these aftercare instructions will reduce your risk of complications. It will also ensure the prolonged health and longevity of your zygomatic implants. You must also continue practicing good oral hygiene and schedule regular dental exams. Evidence shows that zygomatic implants placed correctly in healthy patients are long-lasting. Some installed in the early 2000s are still functional today.

For more on zygomatic implants, visit the Weston Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at our office in Weston, Florida. Call (954) 507-6441 to book an appointment today.