Facelift & Neck Lift

Actual Patient

Facelift & Neck Lift

Actual Patient

Facelift & Neck Lift

Actual Patient

Facelift & Neck Lift

Actual Patient

facelift and neck lift

While cosmetics can provide temporary cover for blemishes and other facial imperfections, the condition of the skin on our face and neck is much more difficult to disguise. As we age, the natural tightness of the skin that enables us to look young and radiant begins to fade, and fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging can creep in. In some instances, this can make us look much older than our real ages, causing us to feel embarrassed, self-conscious, and less attractive.

There are several reasons why our skin changes in this way. The most common reason is that our body stops producing natural collagen and elastin, two vital elements we need to keep our skin smooth and supple. Another common reason our skin ages is that it is constantly exposed to harsh conditions, including cold wind, pollution, and UV rays from the sun. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem that can transform your appearance and help you feel and look years younger. Face and neck lifts can help patients reverse visible signs of aging by tightening sagging skin in the face and neck.

For patients dealing with sagging and wrinkles in the face, neck, and jowl areas, our board-certified and highly experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. Eberle, offers facelift and neck lift treatments at Weston Center for Plastic Surgery.


What are face and neck lifts?

As the name suggests, a face and neck lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that combines lifting and tightening the skin across both the face and neck so that major wrinkles are smoothed. Traditional facelift treatments tighten the skin around the cheeks and jawline, while mini facelifts mainly address sagging in the lower half of the face and neck.

Traditional facelift procedures are carried out under IV sedation or General Anesthesia, so patients will not be in any pain during their treatment. Since mini facelift and neck lift surgery is less invasive than a traditional facelift, patients can opt to only have local anesthesia. Under local anesthesia, patients will be awake during the treatment but unable to feel pain since local anesthesia numbs the entire surgical area.

During a facelift, an incision is made in front of and behind each ear on each side of your head.  The skin and fatty tissues just below are then separated and lifted away from the underlying tissues and muscles. Then the deep structures are pulled taut so that it contours more closely to your face. Then,  the skin is effectively positioned and secured using sutures and any excess can be cut away and discarded.

A mini facelift and neck lift involves making a series of incisions under the chin and behind the ears which will then grant access to a muscle called the platysma. The muscle is slightly adjusted, and the skin is pulled taut and secured while excess skin is removed and discarded.

Recovery from a face and neck lift can take several weeks, and we advise all patients to schedule at least one week away from work. Swelling and bruising should be expected, along with some temporary changes in the sensations felt on the skin. During your consultation, we will be given specific post-surgical recovery instructions, and these should be followed precisely to reduce the likelihood of any complications.


Am I a good candidate for a face & neck lift?

All cosmetic surgery cases will need to be reviewed during an individual consultation to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedure you desire. For face and neck lift surgery, most candidates:

  • are aged between 40 and 80
  • are just beginning to experience a loss of skin firmness
  • still have a relatively defined jawline
  • are experiencing problems such as lines and dropping around the mouth, deepening smile lines. The skin on the neck may be accumulating in small folds, known as a “turkey neck”.


If you would like to find out more about face and neck lift surgery, call Weston Center for Plastic Surgery today at 954-960-3050 to discuss your candidacy with an experienced plastic surgeon.