Feeling like you have an undefined jawline may not affect any functional issues. But it can make you self-conscious and embarrassed. Some individuals avoid social situations because of their facial features. Chin implants can help define your chin to bring a balance to your appearance and that of your jawline.
What Is a Chin Implant?
Chin implants are pliable materials in different sizes to fit a facial structure. They help improve the appearance of the chin.
Candidates for Chin Implants
Chin implants can work for both men and women. The procedure is ideal for anyone who is not satisfied with the proportioning of their chin. You are a candidate if you feel that your chin is too pointed or recessed. A chin implant can help improve your features if your nose is too prominent and you have a very fleshy neck.
If you have poor health and are dealing with cardiac problems, the procedure is not ideal. Your specialist will need to know of any medication you take to determine your eligibility. But it is essential to go into a chin implant surgery with realistic expectations.
Consider your finances before signing up for the procedure. If you are going through financial difficulty, the surgery may have to wait. But you can look at it as a one-time investment to improve how you feel about yourself and the quality of your life.
Chin Implant Surgery
Chin implant surgery is an outpatient procedure. Your specialist can either use general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Your cosmetic surgeon will make a small incision in your mouth or underneath your chin. The surgeon creates a space through the incision for the implant to fit around the bone of your chin.
Chin implant surgery takes less than one hour. But if you are in for more procedures, your procedure time increases. Your cosmetic surgeon will finish the surgery by closing the incision using sutures. Your surgeon may bandage your chin.
The Benefits of Chin Implants
Chin implants are among the most popular facial implants available. They can improve various aspects of your appearance. Chin implants also reshape the contour of your neck. They add strength and power to an underdeveloped chin, bringing balance to your nose and chin.
If you are not satisfied with your double chin, these implants help. They can mitigate chin dimples and any facial imperfections you may have. Chin implants can give you results if you want:
To add strength to your underdeveloped chin.
To increase the height and width of your chin contour.
To bring a balance to your chin features, forehead, and nose.
To reduce the appearance of your jowls or double chin.
A sharper and more attractive jawline.
Can a Chin Implant Improve Your Jawline?
Chin implants give your jawline a triangular shape sought after by many. By placing a chin implant, you add strength to your recessed chin. As a result, you get a well-defined jawline and improved facial harmony.
For more on chin implants, visit Weston Center for Plastic Surgery at our office in Weston, Florida. You can call 954-507-4540 today to schedule an appointment.