Many people think that, once we reach adulthood, our bones never change unless we need them to heal following a fracture/break. However, this isn’t actually the case. In fact, our bones are constantly regenerating, and old bone is replaced by newer, stronger bone cells. This process is known we remodeling and happens without us even being aware of it. However, sometimes this process can result in the bone becoming weaker and even damaged. This is something that may need to be addressed if you are planning on getting dental implants.
What are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are a popular dental treatment that is used to replace and restore missing teeth. They have a completely unique design that is unlike any alternative treatment. A bespoke porcelain crown makes up the visible portion of the tooth, created in the perfect shape, size, and color to blend in with your existing teeth. Meanwhile, the anchor for this crown is made from a titanium post or screw. This is surgically implanted into the jaw and connected to the crown using a special attachment.
What makes dental implants superior to other tooth replacement solutions it the use of the titanium screw. When it is implanted into the jaw, the bone then heals around it to anchor it permanently in place. This makes it more stable, secure and durable than alternatives.
This healing process, known as osseointegration, is integral to the success of the procedure. If it fails to take place, the implant won’t be secure. However, for osseointegration to take place, the patient must have enough healthy bone in their jaw. This will be assessed using x-rays before you are approved as a candidate for the procedure.
So, what happens if you don’t have enough healthy bone in your jaw? You may need to have bone grafting ahead of your dental implant procedure.
Bone Grafting: What is it?
Bone grafting is a fairly straightforward procedure that is designed to build strong, new bone, replacing it in areas where it has been lost.
The procedure is performed using a local anesthetic and involves making a small incision in the gums, through which the underlying jawbone can be accessed. Grafting material, which is made from minerals that trigger bone growth, will then be inserted adjacent to the jawbone. Grafting material comes in several forms from granules and gel to a special mineral-infused mesh. Once it has been placed, it’s usually covered with a thin membrane which will act as a framework for the new bone to build upon.
New bone growth will start virtually immediately, but it can anywhere from 3 to 6 months for there to be a significant improvement in the amount of healthy bone in the jaw, and for there to be enough to make a dental implant procedure viable. Your dental implant provider will perform another x-ray to determine if you are then a good candidate for dental implants.
If you would like more information about dental implants or bone grafting for dental implants, please contact our skilled and experienced dental surgery team at Weston Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Weston, Florida at 954-507-6441 today.