Am I a Candidate for a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Actual Patient

Am I a Candidate for a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Actual Patient

Am I a Candidate for a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Actual Patient

Am I a Candidate for a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Actual Patient

needs wisdom teeth removed

Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth that develop in your mouth. Wisdom tooth extraction is a dental procedure where your dentist removes your last molars’ set. Removal can get done when issues arise that affect your oral form and the state of your teeth. These teeth are not necessary for oral health or survival, and certain people are better off with extracted wisdom teeth.

Patients can go their entire life without removing their wisdom teeth. However, some people need to have theirs removed because waiting for a long time can lead to adverse damage. Since not everyone qualifies to have their wisdom teeth extracted, various indicators show you are a candidate for a wisdom tooth extraction.

Excessive Gum Irritation

Gum irritation is a common occurrence. Most people with gum disease such as periodontitis experience swollen red gums and can get help from their dentist and through the practice of thorough oral hygiene. However, there is gum irritation that is different from gum disease.

If you experience severe gum irritation at the back of your mouth that worsens with time, it may be because of your growing wisdom teeth. If the teeth breaking through your gums have led to severe discomfort, extraction is the only solution. After extracting the wisdom teeth, irritation will stop. 

Extreme Pain

Eruption of your wisdom teeth can cause extreme pain. Your wisdom teeth can cause severe pain by impacting and disturbing your jaw or pressing upon your sinuses. Wisdom teeth can result in sinus problems that lead to congestion and severe pain. Your doctor can suggest the extraction of your wisdom tooth if they cause sinus problems.  

Chronic headaches can arise as a result of their development. Painkillers can make the pain less severe but cannot permanently clear it. Going for a wisdom tooth extraction is the only sure way to rid the pain. It is ideal to contact your dentist and schedule an appointment in preparation for the surgery.

Bad Taste

Wisdom teeth can form pockets at the back of your mouth. As a result, bacteria can build up in the pockets, causing bad breath and bad taste in the mouth. Bacteria buildup also increases the risk of developing cavities.

Your dentist can clean up the bacteria, but reoccurrence is sure to happen. The only way to clear the problem is through the removal of the erupting wisdom teeth.

Difficulty Eating or Opening Your Mouth

A wisdom tooth coming in can stiffen your jaw. As a result, it can be hard to open your mouth or eat. Your wisdom teeth can also move your other teeth and create misalignment. Teeth misalignment can cause you to bite the inside of your mouth or your tongue. Eating can also be very painful. Having them extracted can improve the quality of your life.

When Your Dentist Suggests Extraction

Although you may have no or minor symptoms, it is ideal to follow your dentist’s suggestions. Your dentist can see signs of wisdom tooth problems before they occur. Having the surgery can act as a preventative measure to save you from any dental problems in the future.

For more on wisdom tooth extraction, visit Weston Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at our office in Weston, Florida. You can call (954) 507-6441 today to schedule an appointment.