Botox is one of the most popular types of injectable anti-aging treatments available today. Botox itself is a neurotoxin that, when injected into muscles, paralyzes them so that they can no longer contract. This means that the overlying skin can’t contract either, and wrinkles and lines become smooth. This creates a more youthful appearance that can be maintained for up to six months before further treatment is required.
Like with many other cosmetic treatments, what you do following your Botox appointment is just as important as what you do to prepare before it. This is because your recovery period plays an important role in the overall outcome of your procedure, including your cosmetic result.
Your Botox provider in Fort Lauderdale, FL will give you very specific instructions to follow during the hours and days following your Botox treatment and it is essential that you adhere to these exactly. This will minimize your risk of experiencing complications that could affect the visible outcome of your treatment.
Here’s what you need to know about what you should not do after Botox.
Do NOT rub or massage the treated area
Doing this could displace the Botox solution, moving into areas where it isn’t needed rather than focusing it on those where it is.
Do NOT exercise for at least 24 hours
Physical activity like exercise increases blood flow, but this could potentially spread the toxin to unintended areas. Exercise also causes the muscles to contract, which could decrease the effectiveness of the toxin.
Do NOT wear cosmetics for at least 24 hours
Makeup should also be avoided for at least 24 hours following a Botox appointment too, for the same reason why rubbing the face or doing physical exercise is prohibited. You should also avoid any skin-based spa treatments like facials or a spray tan during this time to eliminate the risk of developing an infection.
Do NOT lay down for at least two hours
It’s essential that you stay upright for at least 2 hours after treatment. This is to avoid pressure in the area and to avoid increased blood pressure which could affect the dispersal of the Botox solution.
Do NOT sleep on your face
For at least the first few nights following your treatment, you should avoid sleeping on your face. Again, this could cause displacement of the Botox, causing it to leak into other muscles where it isn’t needed.
Keep out of direct sunlight
Most Botox practitioners recommend that you stay out of the sun for up to 48 hours following a Botox appointment. This is because if your face gets very warm it will cause your blood pressure to increase, which in turn will increase your risk of developing bruising. Other common causes of raised blood pressure include hot tubs, saunas and super-hot baths and showers, and so these should be avoided too.
Skip the booze
Alcohol consumption has also been shown to increase the likelihood of a patient experiencing bruising after having Botox. Dizziness and drowning are potential side effects of Botox and alcohol can worsen these. Alcohol also thins the blood, which puts you at greater risk of bruising.
If you’d like more advice on what not to do after Botox, don’t hesitate to call Weston Center for Plastic Surgery at (954) 507-4540 to speak to our experienced and knowledgeable cosmetic surgery team.